The Practical PKM cohort is currently closed.

Sign up below if you’d like to be notified the next time enrollment opens.

If you want to start building a solid foundation for your PKM Stack today, check out Obsidian 101 and apply the entire cost of the course toward a future cohort.

What’s a cohort and how does it work?

A cohort is a fancy name for group coaching. It’s the best format for helping people apply the knowledge they learn by going through it together with a motivated group.

The cohort runs for 4 weeks and 12 live sessions. Each session is about 60 minutes long, and includes instructional material where I show you exactly how to do something in Obsidian and time for Q&A at the end.

When you join the Practical PKM cohort, I’ll be there with you every step of the way to help provide clarity and direction so you don’t make the same mistakes (and waste the countless hours) that I did in building a PKM system that actually works.

Over the years, I’ve created a bunch of resources to help do things faster and better in Obsidian. I’m making all of these materials and templates available to you inside the cohort, because the goal is to help you craft your own powerful productivity and creativity workflows in Obsidian.

Here’s a brief summary of what the cohort covers:

Week 1 - The PKM Stack

In the first week, we’ll introduce you to the concept of the personal knowledge management stack and help you dial in your own custom information workflow. Together we’ll figure out how information comes in and out of your PKM system, and we’ll lay the foundation in Obsidian to handle whatever life throws at you. We’ll cover:

  • Diagramming how information flows into and out of your PKM system

  • How to choose from the essential elements as you craft your own PKM stack

  • How to set up Obsidian as the central hub of your bulletproof PKM system

  • How to connect Obsidian to the other apps in your PKM stack so information can flow

  • How to connect notes and ideas in ways that add real tangible value to your PKM system

Week 2 - Information & Idea Management

In the second week, we’ll continue to refine the information workflow we started building in Week 1 and build a system to develop your ideas so your creativity flywheel keeps spinning. We’ll look at common sources of ideas and inspiration like RSS and books, and make sure you have a system to help you make the most of them. We’ll cover:

  • How to get more value out of the books and articles that you read

  • How to capture and develop ideas so that they provide you with consistent future value

  • How to sort through complex ideas and problems by constructing your own idea maps

  • How to leverage the Creativity Flywheel so you can create consistently and effortlessly

  • How to develop your ideas using visual thinking tools like mind maps and Obsidian Canvas

Week 3 - Task & Project Management

In the third week, we’ll start to tack action on the ideas we’ve been capturing and developing and we’ll take a closer look at task and project management. We’ll look at several methods for keeping track of the projects and todos and help you set up a productive task management system that keeps your creativity flywheel turning. We’ll cover:

  • How to set up and track habits and routines in Obsidian

  • Connecting your notes and ideas in Obsidian to actionable tasks and projects

  • How to make sure that nothing you need to take action on falls through the cracks

  • How to manage everything from simple checklists to complex projects in Obsidian

  • How to use time blocking to make consistent progress and make sure you don’t try to do too much

  • How to set up dashboards in Obsidian to make sure that you’re getting the important things done

Week 4 - Journaling & Reflection

In the last week, we’ll look at the power of reflection and teach you how to step back from everything that’s going on to get the clarity and motivation you need to move forward and make progress on what matters. We’ll look at several different methods of journaling in Obsidian, and teach you how to do regular reviews to make sure you continue to live in alignment with your vision and values. We’ll cover:

  • How to set up and use Daily Notes as the foundation of your daily journaling workflow

  • How to journal using Daily Questions to track your daily intentions and chart responses over time

  • How to capture things to your Daily Note quickly and easily using Shortcuts and other plugins

  • How to use Obsidian for your personal retreat to gain clarity & momentum to achieve your goals

  • How to create a LifeOS dashboard to make sure that you are living in alignment with your vision & values

Here’s what others are saying about the cohort:

Is the Practical PKM cohort right for me?

Obsidian is a phenomenal app, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re not willing to put in the work to develop a PKM system you can trust (you’re looking for an app to magically solve your information overwhelm problem), you’ll just end up transferring your mess from one app to another.

But it’s perfect if you want complete control over your PKM stack and are willing to take a little time to make it bulletproof.

The goal of the Practical PKM cohort is to help you develop your own PKM stack so you can unlock your creative potential and create the systems to handle whatever life throws at you.

You’re a good fit for the Practical PKM cohort if:

✅ You want complete control over your PKM system and are willing to make it your own.

✅ You’re ready to commit to Obsidian as the foundation of your PKM system.

✅ You're tired of moving your archive of notes from shiny-new-notes-app to shiny-new-notes-app and want to settle down.

✅ You have a desire to live your with intention and want to use Obsidian to help you move the needle on the things that are important to you.

✅ You’re willing to be patient with yourself as you learn about Obsidian as well as a new values-based perspective for using it intentionally.

✅ Even though I’ll share resources and templates to help you shortcut the process, you recognize you will still need to put in the work to customize your PKM stack to fit your own specific workflow needs.

The Practical PKM cohort is NOT a good fit if:

❌ You’re not ready to commit long-term to Obsidian and are still evaluating other note-taking apps.

❌ You're in a hurry and are looking for a quick fix to a messy collection of notes from broken systems.

❌ You want something that’s already done for you that you can just plug-and-play without any setup.

❌ You are just looking for the right app to solve all your PKM problems and can’t seem to find it anywhere.

❌ You are not willing to take the time to personalize your systems and want something you can just copy and paste.

❌ You are looking for something that can handle documentation or project management for your entire team.

You’re perfectly happy maintaining a large archive of notes that don’t spark inspiration or creativity (at least they're all there if you ever need them).

“Obsidian is amazing, flexible, and insanely powerful... once you overcome the massive learning curve. If you are trying to learn Obsidian yourself, STOP. Stop fiddling. Stop experimenting. Mike has a better way, trust me. He is the premiere authority on Obsidian. There is just nobody who knows it better, AND knows how to explain it in a way where you really feel like you get it. If you are all in on Obsidian, trust me, the Practical PKM cohort is the only training you will need.

Want to be at the front of the line for the next cohort?

Sign up below and you’ll be the first to know when enrollment opens for the next cohort.

If you don’t want to wait until the next cohort, check out Obsidian 101. Start building a solid foundation for your PKM Stack TODAY and apply the entire cost of the course toward a future cohort.

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