Want to get more out of your notes & ideas?

Improve your PKM system with practical tips to supercharge your Obsidian-based productivity & creativity workflows in just 10 minutes per week.

You Need a System, Not an App.

The perfect PKM app doesn’t exist. But that’s what most people look for, believing that if they can just find the right app then the skies will open, they’ll achieve enlightenment, and all the random information they’ve collected will suddenly make sense.

PKM is a system, not an app.

A good PKM system is a lot like a technology stack, which can include many different components that are all used for a single goal: deploying a software application. They all must tie together and information must flow seamlessly between all the different parts of the technology stack or the application won't work.

When functioning correctly, your PKM System works the same way. Information comes in, follows a process as it flows between the different parts of your PKM system, then leaves and causes output or action. You can see how all these pieces tie together in a model I like to call The PKM Stack.

You can plug different apps into different parts of the PKM Stack, but you'll need a clear understanding of how it all ties together so you can put the right pieces in the right places. But once you get the right pieces in the right places, the results can be magical.

In my newsletter, I’ll show you how to do just that. Each week, I share:

  • An original essay to help you apply values-based PKM principles to be more productive or creative

  • Something cool (usually obsidian-related)

  • My mind map book notes from my personal notes library

If the idea of the PKM Stack resonates, then my newsletter is for you. And ifyou want to browse a few of my more recent newsletters, click here.

Ready to Upgrade Your PKM System?

Sign up for the Practical PKM newsletter now. Start making more of your notes and ideas in just 10 minutes per week.

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